T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

M T   R U S H M O R E   &   J E W E L   C A V E

Saturday, August 21, 2004

The final slap in the face is this van carrying a pancake sign for a restaurant. It's parked near the entrance to the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.

I've arrived. No more signs hawking all sorts of things I'm not interesting in buying.

Click here for more detail (and pictures) of my tour of Mount Rushmore National Memorial.

After the tour I grab a bite to eat at the concession. I decide to order a buffalo burger because I've never had one before. Turns out, buffalo meat is much leaner than cow meat and it tastes a little different too.

Ice cream disaster on the way out after lunch. Or maybe there's a purple buffalo wandering around somewhere?

Laying rubber to the road once again.

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Santa’s Train, Henrieville, UT
Mandarin Ducks, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Sentinel Mesa, Big Indian, Bear and Rabbit Summit, and Stagecoach, Monument Valley, AZ
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