T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

W O R M   R E S C U E

Friday, October 1, 2004

The vending machine only sells worms. Yowza! $2.75 for 12 worms?! I stand there silent and unsure of my next move. I not positive if my rescue budget is big enough to cover that kind of cash outlay. The cola is 30 cents, the water is 20 cents, I've been thrown for a loop. Waaait a minute! It is a ploy for sure, to get me to abort my rescue attempt because the worms are too expensive. Well they won't lure me into their thinking, no sir!

So without further pause, I rifle my money into the machine, $1 then $2 then $3.

I then pushed the button. Soon my 12 worms will be released from their vending machine hell, they will be free once again!

My worm are delivered in the machine's lower compartment.

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