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I ' V E   F I N A L L Y   H I T   T H E   W A L L

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I suppose, when I boil it all down, what I'm doing here with this website is building a legacy of sorts. I'm now realizing that I have a strong need to leave something useful and worthwhile behind that will hopefully live on after I pass away. It's analogous to having children I think. They learn your stories and when you die they pass them along to subsequent generations. Well, seeing that I may never have kids, I suppose this website is my way of passing on my stories, even if they are just 6 months of my life. But, what better 6 months than the time spent traveling around the country! They'll probably end up being the most interesting 6 months of my life anyway.

Hmmm... Well, I'm feeling a little better now. Having realized the true purpose of my trip, I've gained just enough energy to push on for yet another week of travel. I still may bailout and head back home in a week, but, maybe I won't. I suspect I'll be riding a roller-coaster of emotions in the interim. That's okay however, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger as they say. Gretchen, thank you very much for setting me on the right path with your sage advice. Had it not been for you, I may have made a very bad decision, a very bad one indeed.

Allrightythen, time to get the show on the road. I notice I've burned through a good portion of my daylight, the day has just flown on by! It's going on 5pm and I've got to get myself down to Boston, MA.

My route will be a straight shot south from Portland, ME to Boston, MA.

I get a colorful send-off, compliments of Mother Nature.

I jump into the van and head south. God, I really hate driving the Interstate...

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Lunch atop Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH
Wright Brother’s Flyer, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Geese at Lake Perennial, Boston, MA
Arches National Park, Moab, UT
Big Sur, CA
Fish Chairs, Brewster, MA
Ordinary Pigeon, Mission Beach, CA