T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

A   W H I R L W I N D   D A Y   I N   B O S T O N

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

More Boston Common sights.

I've finally reached the part of Boston Common where the Freedom Trail starts.

Click here for more detail and pictures of my tour of this historic walkway.

In the middle of my tour of Boston's Freedom Trail, I'm forced to run back to the van to feed the stupid street meter. As I approach the van, I notice not one, but two parking police are hovering near the van, just waiting to slap me with a ticket. Fortunately, upon arrival, the meter displays a welcomed message, it has 3 minutes left on it! I've foiled the parking police! Life is good! This tour of mine has developed a competitive twist, it's me against the parking police. And I -will- win!

When my tour finally ends, I find myself across town a distant 3 miles away from the van. And guess what? It's parked next to a meter that's showing less than 30 minutes on its timer. Major Bummer! To be quite frank, I'm feeling rather spent right now. I'm tired from trekking around all afternoon, some of which was running back to feed the meter one time before, then running back to the point of the Freedom Trail where I had left off.

So, what do I do? Do I give in to the parking police? Do I hand them an unearned victory? HELL NO! I run my butt off! I *huff* will *puff* be victorious! I *cough* will *weeze* not lose! Sickly enough, I'm actually enjoying this little challenge. As you can see, I'm laboring somewhat in this endeavor. That's okay however, no brain, no pain, as they say.

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