T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

D A Y   O F   R E S T

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

More chillin' with good ole Uncle Donald in North Carolina.

The beginning of today is a repeat of yesterday, I wake at 7:30am and eat breakfast w/Uncle Don before he heads off to work. Afterwards, Uncle Don has some folks come out to pump out his septic tank, yum. What a great thing to witness, especially on a full stomach! After the pumping spectacle, I work on the website for a bit then drive into High Point, NC where I met Uncle Don for dinner.

After dinner I go trolling in the van, looking for an Internet connection because I have some fresh website updates to push. I finally find a connection, park the van, then proceed to upload my updates. In about 10 minutes of parking I notice some stirring around, it seems some of the homeowners are getting suspicious of my activities.

Whatever. Call the police, I don't care. Well, that's exactly what they do. Two police cars soon show up. Oh, please, get a life folks. So, what do I do? I proceed to honk my horn to get everybody's attention. I then start screaming "INTERNET TERRORIST, I'M AN INTERNET TERRORIST, I'M SURFING THE INTERNET FROM MY VAN!!!" The police then run over to my vehicle. Once clear of their cars, I throw the van into gear and ram both of their patrol cars! Woo Hoo! Now, not only am I an Internet terrorist, I'm also going to jail for ruining their vehicles!

Seriously, I decide to go with option #2, I pretend to be taking to someone on my cell phone. I roll down the window and talk "real" loud, just so they get the drift that I'm just some dude who's parked and talking on his cell phone. After about 10 minutes of this silly standoff, the police tuck their tails then disappear into the night. Wow, that's a trip first! Normally they hassle me. Maybe the police here in NC are a kinder, gentler bunch?

Back at Uncle Donald's place, my evening winds down while listening to the election results (yes, today is Election Day) and I working on the website. Depressingly, both candidates leave much to be desired. It just amazes me, of all the great folks who could be running, we're stuck with these two guys.

Tomorrow promises to be yet another rigorous day of doing not much of anything. I have to admit, however, that I'm getting a bit restless.

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Glacier National Park, Logan Pass
I’m finally home!!! My trip is a WRAP!!!
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
Pilfered Wheels, Pacific Beach, CA
French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Roadside Christmas Memorial, Twentynine Palms, CA