T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

M E E T I N G   T H E   K I N G

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Hmmm, I can't seem to locate the barge. Oh well, I'll just try to get a spash page shot of the Mississippi for the website. I have to admit, my shots are pretty boring.

Hey! Wait! I see the barge, it a little ways north.

I jump in the van and head north. At the northern reaches of the park I finally catch-up to the barge. I attempt to get another splash page of the Mississippi, this time around instead of stupid trees, my additional subject is an interesting barge.

Well, time is burning, I have to say goodbye to the Mississippi. My parting shots.

On the way back to Memphis city center, I notice these nice homes, all with an unobstructed view of the Great Mississippi.

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Kalispell, MT
Oil Pump, Somewhere in West Texas
Greg’s Blue and Gold Macaw (Samantha), Minneapolis, MN
Yale Lake, WA
Mount Rushmore, Keystone, SD
Cemetery, North Parsonsfield, ME
Roadside Christmas Memorial, Twentynine Palms, CA