T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

R E M E M B E R   T H E   A M A M O

Monday, November 15, 2004

I wake at 8:30 to my second morning in the Lone Star State. I find myself faced with uninspiring views of yet another Walmart parking lot that looks like all the other Walmart parking lots I've camped in since I starting doing so back in Massachusetts. Looking on the bright side, they're free and I don't get busted by the police for camping on the street. This parking lot is starting to look really good now, what a great place to be. Sometimes it's helpful to review the reasons for one's actions. It's so easy to lose sight, especially when alone and without someone to point out misplaced rhymes and reasons.

Severe overcast today. I swear, these are 4 different photos. The sky is just a contiguous sheet of white, no folds or wrinkles anywhere. Could this just be fog?

Yup, it's foggy out. No matter, I'm on my way the see The Alamo! After a short drive and following all the signs, I draw closer to the historic sight.

After wondering around lost for about 5 minutes, I finally get my bearings and park 3 blocks form the sight. The Alamo doesn't own a parking lot so visitors are forced to fend for themselves.

On my way to The Alamo I pass by Scottish Rite Cathedral, an excellent example of Greek Revival architecture. There certainly seems to be a lot of old architecture in this part of San Antonio.

Wow! It's getting foggier, I can't see the top of the taller buildings. After a bit more walking I spy a low stone wall. It looks really out of place, so I guess that must be the beginnings of The Alamo.

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Somewhere in Central Colorado
Polar Bear, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Tropical Fish, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
Tom Cruise’s Garbage Pickup
Whiteface Mountain Gondola Lift, Whiteface Mountain Ski Resort, Wilmington, NY
Upper Falls, Canyon Area, Yellowstone
Rock with Lichens, Western Colorado