T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

H A N G I N G   W I T H   P A U L

Saturday, November 20, 2004

W-E  N-E-E-D  2  L-E-A-V-E

W-E  N-E-E-D  2  L-E-A-V-E  N-O-W. We need to leave now? We need to leave now? Yeah, right, what is this -we- nonsense. I think -I- need to leave now. My van is possessed! Do you think I'm going to step inside the van and act like nothing strange has just happened? You know what I think? I think this trip of mine is over, I'm fly back to Portland.

Feeling bad about what I just said about the van, my constant companion who hasn't let me down in the four long months I've been on the road, I close my eyes and jump inside, bracing myself for the worst. My van may be possessed, but I'm not going to turn my back on a friend. I slowly open my eyes and discover everything is going to be okay. However, I notice the themometer is getting colder by the second and I can see my breath, certainly this is a sign that evil is near, as we've all seen happen in the horror movies. And then a knock comes at the side door.

I open the door and I'm given a huge start, certainly the van has conjured up this bolaroed demon to punish me for my earlier trangressions. Oh, wait, it's just Paul. Time to get our day started, chop, chop and all that, he says to me.

To help while away our day, after going out for breakfast we decide to poke around at a new development that's going up across the street from where Paul is renting. The pricing is high so we're curious what is contain within these ugly beasts. Perhaps you get a dolly of solid gold bars with your home purchase?

The first order of business when touring any home is to test out the toilet. This is an especially good opportunity because this one explicitly tell you not to use it. Sweet deal! We both determine this particular toilet passes the test. Paul had to think about it for a while (aka The Thinker or is that The Tinker). I think he's a little rusty. Maybe more veggies Paul? Just a "passing" thought for ya buddy.

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Trees, Washington, DC
Bloody Red Foliage near Saranac Lake, NY
Elephant Skin, Somewhere in Eastern UT
Feisty Bird, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Hunters on Horses, Indian Petroglyph, Arches National Park, UT
Somewhere in Central Utah
Cody Nite Rodeo, Cody, WY