P A R K Stj|tl|in|ca|st

Y E L L O W S T O N E   N A T I O N A L   P A R K
M A M M O T H   H O T   S P R I N G S

Northwestern Wyoming

The entire terrace is traversed via an elaborate walkway.

As the sign says, the ground is very dangerous.

The next formation I see is Palette Spring. "Water flows in crisscrossing patterns down a steep ridge where colorful thermopiles create a changing palette dominated by hues of orange and brown. This effect is much the same as an artist would achieve by allowing watercolors to run down a vertical surface."

The sign says it's okay to run and jump on the formation... well actually it says "Stay Off" but you can't tell that from the picture. Yellowstone kinda drops the ball on this one. Many of the signs I see throughout the Park's exhibits have light blue lettering, to simulate the color of many of their natural springs I suppose. In any event, it looks nice in person but certainly not in photos. I suspect many folks get their pictures back from the developer only to scratch their heads, wondering what the heck they took a picture of. It's a shame.

Feeling is believing. Since this is one of the formations that isn't acidic, I figure what's the worst that can happen. It feels warm, not hot. But I'm not touching the water as it emerges from atop the hill, I'm pretty sure "that" is scalding.

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Arches National Park, Moab, UT
Lake Pend Oreille, ID
House on the Rock, Spring Green, WI
Otter Cove, Acadia National Park, ME
Fish in a Fish, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
Warriers, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT