P A R K Stj|tl|in|ca|st

G R A N D   T E T O N   N A T I O N A L   P A R K

Northwestern Wyoming

Some final parting shots before completing my ride.

And one last one of me.

Well that concludes my day tour of Grand Teton National Park. It's a gloomy day but the majesty of the Grand Teton Range more than makes up for the ever threatening drizzle. Someday I'd like to return again, to try my hand (or foot) at some backcountry hiking. I rate my tour a solid 4.5 thumbs-up out of a possible 5 thumbs.

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Central Oregon Coast
Sculpted Corn Field, Carr Valley, WI
New Romance, Pacific Beach, CA
Somewhere in Central Colorado
The Ahwahnee, Yosemite National Park, CA
Fungus encounter while hiking to Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH
Skyline Arch, Arches National Park, Moab, UT