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M O N T A N A   G R I Z Z L Y   E N C O U N T E R S

Bozeman, Montana

I meet Bud, the exhibit's curator and jack-of-all-trades. He proves to be an encyclopedia of interesting bear facts and figures.

The attraction has future plans for improvement and expansion. They wish make the facility more realistic and plan to cover both sides of the concrete wall with granite. Additionally, they hope to erect a building that'll house more bears to increase the number of bears they can display at the facility.

Since the exhibit operates as a non-profit, in addition to the entrance fee, they also take donations.

I'm really happy I missed my exit and stumbled across this attraction. They've done a really nice job tending to the bear's needs and providing the public with a safe way to get close to the big critters in a non-zoo setting. I really enjoyed my visit and urge you to pay the bears a similar visit if you're ever in this neck of the woods. I promise you won't be disappointed.

My experience at Montana Grizzly Encounters gets a solid 4.5 thumbs-up out of a possible 5.

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