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W I L D   W E S T   S T A G E C O A C H   R O B B E R Y

Jackson, Wyoming

Monday, August 9, 2004

Sight: #4

Location: Jackson, Wyoming

Hours: Mon-Sat 6:15pm sharp (mountain)

Admission: Free!

Phone: (307) 733-3316

Link: Official Website | Email

Rating:   (5 max)

Operating on "vacation time", of course I'm late for the performance. I hear gunshots in the distance and soon thereafter I'm running to the source of all the noise and commotion.

When I arrive the stagecoach has already been robbed. I join the mayhem when the townfolks are all up in arms, no one is sure just who perpetrated the dastardly deed. The Sherrif drags in a drunken rabble-rouser for questioning but finds no leads.

All the while, two of the stagecoach robbers find themselves in a quarrel over the logistics of the heist. In the heat of their argument, they both promptly dispatch each other, much to the cheering pleasure of the gathered crowd.

But, there is a third robber still on the loose. Where is he? No one seems to know.

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