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B O S T O N   R E D   S O X   C A P T U R E
A M E R I C A N   L E A G U E   P E N N A N T

Boston, Massachusetts

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Sight: #24

Address: Fenway Park, 4 Yawkey Way, Boston, MA, 02215

Link: MLB Website

Rating:   (5 max)

After a short subway ride from city center I arrive at Fenway Park. The strip is filled with a variety of bars, all of which have large projection TVs. Held in New York, tonight's game will be televised to all the excited Boston fans, who are now milling around, jockeying for the best bar and the best seat.

I hit the street in search of a good bar to watch the game. However, I'm a little late in arriving. Most of the bars, the better ones, are already full, and queues of people are starting to form outside their restricted doors. I decide to hit one of the less populated bars and get in the door jiffy quick.

I wait around for the game to start. Having arrived too late to get seating, I find a good place to stand near the projection TV. The bar quickly fills with patrons, all hopped up and ready for some good ole baseball fun.

The game finally starts and the crowd rises to the occasion, sometimes cheering, sometimes booing, but always raising their glasses to toast their Sox in an effort to coax them on to victory.

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