S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

A R L I N G T O N   N A T I O N A L   C E M E T E R Y

Arlington, Virginia

After looking at the tour bus I quickly fill with envy. Too bad I didn't get here earlier, I could have taken the bus. Oh, well. Better late than never. It'll actually be quicker for me to go on foot. Plus, I don't think the buses are running this late in the day anyway.

As I make my way into the cemetery I can see a forest of gravestone markers in the distance.

Soon I'm surrounded by a sea of sadnesss, of tribute, of death, of memorial. The markers are all aligned, creating interesting rows at varying angles.

All of the markers I see are simple ones. For some reason I thought the markers here at Arlington were predominately crosses. Maybe it's a military cemetery in Europe I'm thinking of?

I'm getting closer to JFK's gravesite now. Great! My map tells me that Weeks Avenue will take me directly there. No longer fast-walking, I'm trotting now, the time is quickly ticking down to closing time.

I pass by more gravestones and quickly notice the past cadence of homogenous gravestones has been interrupted by larger, more imposing markers. Do larger markers indicate the possibility that important individuals are buried in these parts?

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Magnum XL-200, Cedar Point, OH
Elephant Skin, Somewhere in Eastern UT
Hiking to Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH
Central Beach, Indiana Dune National Lakeshore
Fish in a Fish, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Sculpted Corn Field, Carr Valley, WI
Petrified Logs, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC