B I K I N G tj|tl|in|ca|st

G O L D   H I L L   N O R T H

Sandpoint, Idaho

Monday, July 26, 2004

Bike: #8

Location: 4 miles south of Sandpoint, Idaho

Distance: 11.5 mile loop

Climb Elevation: 1,650 feet

Tread: 8.4 miles singletrack, 3.1 miles gravel road

Ride Miles/Time/Avg/Max: 11.8/1:44:16/6.8/17.8

Rating:   (5 max)

Time to hit the bike trail again. This time it'll be on my mountain bike on a trail that's both steep and unforgiving. I'm excited about the ride though, lofty views are promised based on the trail information I've pulled from the internet. While still a novice on the mountain bike, I figure I'll crank up the difficulty dial on this ride, because you only get better at a sport when you consistently challenge yourself.

Today is really hot and muggy. I should have gotten up early in the morning for the ride but I'm not a morning person, much to my disadvantage right now. But, that's not a problem, the ride should be mostly in shaded forest.

Uh oh, I just got some bad news... I've just determined I may very well die on the way up. Why? Well, by visual inspection just now, I've discovered the lower portion of the trail is -very- steep and is filled full of sharp switchbacks! Yikes!

Ha! I've gotten myself into a fine mess this time around. Want to join me and watch me suffer? Well, sure you do! So come on, but don't follow too closely, lest I topple over onto you when attempting to ascend any of the nasty, sharp switchbacks!

Description & Pics

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Echo Lake, Acadia National Park, ME
York Habor, ME
Yuccas, Joshua Tree National Monument, CA
Devilish Sunset near Medina, NY
Taos Pueblo, NM
Street Band, French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
Taos Pueblo, NM