P E O P L E tj|tl|in|ca|st


Bozeman, Montana

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

I meet Bud at Montana Grizzly Encounters, a grizzly bear exhibit located off I-90 near Chestnut, Montana. At the gate I'm told to talk to Bud if I have any questions. Bud turns out to be the Exhibit's Curator and resident jack-of-all-trades. After looking over the impressive exhibit I ask him about their breeding policies and from there Bud proves to be a walking, talking encyclopedia of bear information.

He tells me he stumbled into his position. He was working with the concrete contractor who ended up not finishing the job. Bud pulled a Superman and saved the day by stepped in, and not only finished the concrete job, he also pretty much designed and built the entire mini-ecosystem for the bears. From there he stayed on exhibit's Curator.

Originally from Iowa, Bud moved out to Montana in 1995. In the past, he's worked many jobs including long-haul trucking and carnival setup and ride operation. He's traveled all over the country and when I ask him where he'd like to travel in the future he tells me he just wants to just stay put in Montana. He loves Montana even tough it only has 3 seasons, which he humorously describes as "last winter, this winter, and next winter." One dream of his is to retire somewhere deep in the Montana mountains and live off the land.

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