F A V O R I T E   P E O P L E
F A V O R I T E   P E O P L E

I met loads and loads of people on my trip. Unfortunately, I couldn't profile them all, so I had to be selective in who I chose. There were three basic and loose guidelines for selection. If a person met any of the three, it would be enough to tip the scales toward selection.

Guideline #1 - The individual had an interesting story to tell.
Guideline #2 - I spent a lot of time with the individual.
Guideline #3 - The individual paid me money.... ahhh, just kidding.

Actually, the third guideline was this. To feel some kind of "kindred connection" with the individual.

To all the folks I profiled, thank you very much for the opportunity to allow me to tell your story. I enjoyed meeting you all and look forward to maintaining contact with some of you in the future.

Now, for my favorites. Of all the folks I profiled, the following are those who really made my trip special. Some had opened my eyes to the ongoing human struggle, others had warmed my heart with their humor, friendliness, openness, and generosity.

Interested in meeting all of my trip's acquaintances?

Click here to access them all.

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MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV
Big Sur, CA
Meteor Crater near Flagstaff, AZ
I’m finally home!!! My trip is a WRAP!!!
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Washington, DC
Long Neglected Boat, Newport City, OR
Grand Canyon, AZ