B I K I N Gtj|tl|in|ca|st

R I O   G R A N D E   D E L   R A N C H O

Taos, New Mexico

Here's a panorama.

This fuzzy plant is rather interesting. And it's all around me.

Other plants are represented here too, but certainly far less interesting.

It appears garbage isn't just restricted to the dump I encountered earlier. As you can see it's well represented in these parts as well.

Here is more for your viewing pleasure. I wonder, how did it all get here? This is a somewhat remote spot, so why do people walk out here and drop garbage? You know what? I think they need to rename the trail Rio Garbage del Rancho.

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Bubble Pond, Acadia National Park, ME
State House, Boston, MA
Lobster Feast at Testa’s, Bar Harbor, ME
Geographical Fins, Arches National Park, Moab, UT
Naval Cemetery, Point Loma, CA
Bike Dragging Fun, Zion National Park, UT
Statement of the Obvious, Southern Tenessee