T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

B A C K   I N   T H E   S A D D L E   A G A I N !

Saturday, August 14, 2004

And to my delight I encounter a herd of buffalo that are grazing and pretty much ignoring the gawking tourists. Earlier when I was taking pictures of the Tetons, I noticed a female cyclist go by. Now that I'm getting into the thick of the buffalo herd, I notice her again up ahead, slowing down and staying close to the cars that have stopped to take pictures. I think perhaps she is afraid of the buffalo (which can be dangerous given the right situation) and she thinks it's best to ride next to the cars as they passed through the area. Probably not a bad idea. She certainly can't outride a buffalo, they say they're faster than race horses when coming "out the gate."

I pass her and all the cars to a front row position for some really good picture taking. I just open the driver side door and stand in the doorway. If they come after me all I have to do was duck back inside the van. After taking a few shots, the biker comes up along side my van and we start chatting. Yes, she is indeed very weary of the buffalo, smart woman me thinks. She's on her way to the same bike ride I'm going to. I offer her a ride and after determining I not a crazy, she agrees. I put her bike in the van and off to the biking trail we go. She tells me her name is Lindsay.

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Somehwere in Western Colorado
House on the Rock, Spring Green, WI
Somewhere in Central Colorado
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Church Ruins, Taos Pueblo, NM
Fireworks, Boston, MA
The John F. Kennedy Eternal Flame, Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC