T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

B A C K   I N   T H E   S A D D L E   A G A I N !

Saturday, August 14, 2004

We arrive at the parking area and decide to bike the trail together. It'll be nice to have a little company, up until now all my biking has been solo.

Click here to get more detail (and pictures) of our bike tour of Shadow Mountain.

We get back to the van later than expected. Wow, we've been gone for a good 6 hours! The ride was supposed to take only 2 hours but we got to talking at the top of the mountain and the time just slipped on by without much notice. I think the most enjoyable part of the ride was talking to Lindsay atop the mountain's observation tower.

It's dinner time and after weighing our eating options, Lindsay invites me over for dinner. I have some cooked chicken and fresh broccoli and carrots in the van and she has all the other ingredients for a stir-fry so we quickly formulate the meal plan before heading out.

On the way back to the main highway we see more buffalo. I'm able to get another close shot.

Here are some shots on the way back to Lindsay's place.

Lindsay is staying at a nearby estate, a friend of a friend's. She's from Washington D.C. and is passing through on a little cross-country trip to "unwind" from life for a while. By the looks of it the place must be worth millions. Of course I don't take any pictures to respect the privacy of the owners. Needless to say, going from eating in the van to a wonderful home really shows how things can change very quickly if you just go with the flow.

After dinner we talk a while then I crash in the driveway-parked van. During our conversation Lindsay suggests an interesting road bike ride she went on the day before, an out-and-back to Signal Mountain. The ride took her past the front doorstep of the Grand Tetons. Intrigued about her riding experience, I decide to do the same ride tomorrow.

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Just lounging around, Carr Valley, WI
Colorado River, Moab, UT
Sculpted Corn Field, Carr Valley, WI
Taos Pueblo, NM
Couple atop Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH
Various Planes, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
US Capital, Washington, DC