T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

M E M O R Y   L A N E

Thursday, September 16, 2004

There was always plenty of front and side yard space to play in. The trees look so much taller and wider now, even as a adult.

And there is the ever present cornfield that has always bordered the property in the summertime. I recall my sisters and I playing hide-and-go-seek amidst the towering corn stalks, providing us with hours of free, fun-filled entertainment.

At the back of the property is a small pond amongst the trees that was always covered with tall vegetation. As kids we never ventured back there. Probably because stomping around in the high grass meant getting bit by all the mosquitoes that lived there.

Then there is the place in the back of the yard where Grandma and Grandpa would burn their trash. My Aunt and Uncle still burn some of their trash (although they also put trash and recyclables out to the curb). Out in the country you can legally burn trash which seems strange to me now that I'm a city dweller.

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