T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

M E M O R Y   L A N E

Thursday, September 16, 2004

My bike ride is now completed having returning back to my Aunt and Uncles before nightfall. To my pleasant surprise I'm greeted by this spectacular display of colors. I'm amazed at just how pink the sky can get. I didn't photoshop these photos, this is the real-deal!

The last part of the sunset is a little unsettling though. It is blood red and somewhat sinister in appearance. Looking like perhaps the afterglow from a nuclear holocaust?

In summary the day was a good one, I visited my old hometown again. Nothing like going back to your roots as a way of "re-grounding" youself.

After the sunset I eat dinner then visit with Uncle Bob and Aunt Chris for a while. I then retire for the night.

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Kodak Sports Park, Lake Placid, NY
Vietnam Woman’s Memorial, Washington, DC
Pack Horse, Phantom Ranch, Grand Canyon, AZ
Big Sur, CA
Lifeguard Patrol, Mission Beach, CA
Bizarre Bicycle, Pacific Peach, CA
Hoover Dam, AZ