T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

R O A D   T R I P   T O   T H E   A D I R O N D A C K S

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Grrrrrrrrrr. Not taking the Interstate places me smack-dab in heavy traffic north of Rochester, NY. Sometimes I have to pay for my Interstate-snobbery.

A lousy view of Lake Ontario... but a good picture of a broken light pole.

I finally break free of all the traffic and it's clear sailing.

I notice only hints of color but nothing more. Would the leaves be the same in the Adirondacks? The elevation of these trees near Lake Ontario is close to sea level and the Adirondacks top out at 5,300 feet. The higher you go, the colder the nights. I'm probably wrong but I think it's the cold that causes the goodies in the leaves to dive downward onto a tree's root system, revealing the leave's colorful pigments that stay behind.

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