T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

R O A D   T R I P   T O   T H E   A D I R O N D A C K S

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Ranger School isn't far away.

Hey, a big chuck of granite. As I later come to realize, there's a lot of granite in the park.

Smokey the bear says the fire danger is low today.

Okay, enough goofing around, the evening is quickly approaching. My original plan was to drive all the way to Lake Placid and camp but I have run out of daylight. So rather than poking around at night, I decide to camp at Cranberry Lake, one of the many State Campgrounds within Adirondack Park.

After arriving at the campground, my driving experience deep within its interior takes on a dark and spooky flavor, facilitated by the tree canopy that slowly slips past me as I continue on.

I finally arrive at my site, campsite #98. The site is pretty ordinary as camp sites go, but the rear of the site has direct access to Cranberry Lake.

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