T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

H I K I N G   M O U N T   C H O C O R U A

Saturday, October 9, 2004

Changing focus to the front portion of the property, we have Bill's warm and inviting log home. I must say, I'm feeling some major home-envy right now. I just love Bill's humble abode, it's a beautiful thing!

Here's a few close-ups of some of the log cabin's features. Makes ya wanna dash for the real estate section of the newspaper and scan madly for log cabin offerings, eh? Someday I hope to own a log cabin out in the woods, Bill's place has certainly stoked that fire!

Last, but certainly not least, we have this gorgeous sugar maple that greets visitors at the entranceway. It's undergoing a bit of color transformation right now, so I'm looking forward to watching it progress during my stay.

Okay folks, it's time for a road trip! Bill and I have plans to do some hiking today, and in New Hampshire no less. Culminating at the mid-point of our drive plan we have Mount Chocorua. Located in White Mountain National Forest, the mountain is a popular peak that dwells tall and imposing within the eastern neighborhood of Sandwich Ridge. The scenic loop hike we've planned for ourselves will take us skyward 2,600 feet to the mountain's barren top that stands upwards of 3,500 feet above sea level.

We jump into Bill's pickup truck and head northwest into New Hampshire. The leaves here are coming into peak color.

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Ausable Chasm, Keeseville, NY
Magnum XL-200, Cedar Point, OH
Central Oregon Coast
Windmill Farm, Southern California
The Badlands, SD
Ceremonial Dance, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
Arches National Park, UT