T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

H I K I N G   M O U N T   C H O C O R U A

Saturday, October 9, 2004

30 miles and 45 minutes later, Bill and I reach the parking lot at the trailhead of Piper Trail, the gateway to our mountaintop jaunt.

Here's a close-up of Mount Chocorua. It's lookin' a tad foggy up there right now. Let's hope things clear out by the time we reach the top.

We park the truck then gear up. Here's good ole Bill gettin' all booted up. Hey, it looks like he's ready to rock-and-roll.

Some goofy footwork. Just who's foot is who's is anyone's guess. Regardless, our happy feet are ready for some mountain surmounting action! Bill is probably smarter than I for he is wearing hiking boots. It's always a good thing to have proper ankle support. Personally, I like the more risky but comfortable approach. I find hiking boots too bulky and restrictive. Plus, you just never know if a basketball game is going to bust out on the trail and you're going to need your sneakers!

Hey, I'm ready for some hiking adventure! How about you?!?

We're at the trailhead now, so come on! Accompany us up Mount Chocorua, I promise it'll be a fun experience!

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