T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

A L I E N   E N C O U N T E R S

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Oh geeze, there's that damn cow banner again, and it's located right next to the museum.

Now that my outside tour has come to an end, it's time to checkout the inside offerings of the International UFO Museum and Research Center. According to the museum's mission statement, the institution's primary objective is to inform the public of The Roswell Incident, an event that occurred in 1947 and is purported by the museum to be an elaborate government cover-up of an alien spacecraft crash landing.

Interested in learning more about The Roswell Incident, in addition to other UFO related information and materials?

Click here for more detail and pictures on my tour of this unique and intriguing shrine to extraterrestrial life.

I stumble outside at the conclusion of my museum tour. Good Lordy! I've been touring for 4 straight hours. Before I go, I attempt to take my picture with the museum in the background.

Sufficiently frustrated, I give my camera to a passerby and let him snap my picture. In retrospect, having toured the museum, it seems a bit silly to think that flying saucers would bother visiting Earth. Don't you agree?

Hmmmm, you know what? I'm feeling a bit out of sorts right now. Not quite feeling like myself, a little dizzy. My mind is growing fuzzy right now, I can't... seem... to... hold... a... thought... in... my... head... having... diffic ... u ... l ... t ... y... GREETINGS -- THIS IS THORDAR, PRINCE OF GALACTA VI -- I HAVE TAKEN OVER THE BODY OF THE STUPIDEST HUMAN WITHIN A 5 MILE RADIUS -- WE WILL BE COMING BACK SOON TO CONQUER YOUR INSIGNIFICANT PLANET JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT -- NO NEED TO RESIST -- YOU WILL ALL BE ASSIMILATED AT THE APPOINTED TIME... r... e... m... b... ering... things... I... think... I... am... feeling... a... little... better now. My head hurts for some reason, but, other than that, I'm okay now... oh... wait... I... feel... fu... nn... y... IT'S THORDAR AGAIN -- SO SORRY -- FORGOT TO MENTION -- WE NEED AN EXTRA LARGE PIZZA WITH DOUBLE PEPPERONI AND MUSHROOMS -- THE TRIP BACK TO GALACTA VI WILL BE A LONG ONE AND WE ARE DESTINED TO GET HUNGRY -- THANK YOU... d... o... n... t... like... how... this... is... feeling... but... for... some... reason I'm feeling just fine now. Strange, huh? Well, time to hit the road. Funny, I have a hankering for pizza right now, where did that come from?

Soon enough I lay rubber to the road, heading north out of Roswell to Taos, New Mexico, I notice the daylight is starting to dwindle.

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The Ahwahnee, Yosemite National Park, CA
Hiking to Mount Marcy, Adirondack State Park
Echo Lake, Acadia National Park, ME
Houston Control Center, Circa 1970s, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Siberian Reindeer, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Grooper, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
Fungus encounter while hiking to Mount Chocorua, White Mountains, NH