T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

A L I E N   E N C O U N T E R S

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

As I drive along the sun ceremoniously sets with a flourish of color.

I have to admit, one of the bad things about traveling at night is you miss out on all the scenery. This evening I'm feeling especially unfortunate because tonight I trek through steep mountainous terrain. At one point I reach 9,250 feet above sea level and at another I pass by a small ski resort. Oh, well. You can't have it all.

After hours of driving I finally reach Taos, New Mexico around 10:30 in the evening. I quickly duck into a local Walmart there where I settle in for the evening. Today was certainly a big photo day, the lion's share taken from within the confines of the UFO museum. After finishing dinner I download my pictures then do a bit of photo editing before turning in for the night.

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Randle, WA
Cody Nite Rodeo, Cody, WY
Montana Grizzly Encounters, MT
Various Planes, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Surf’s Up Dude, Mission Beach, CA
Whiteface Mountain Gondola Lift, Whiteface Mountain Ski Resort, Wilmington, NY
Sea Otter, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA