T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

B I R T H D A Y   I N   T A O S

Friday, November 19, 2004

My first order of business is to tour the famous city of Taos, New Mexico. It's my understanding that this quaint, high altitude place is a world famous mecca for artists, most notably, painters. I'll certainly take time to check out that particular scene, however, I'm going to make an effort to see much of what this place has to offer, not just what it's famous for. Sooooo, lets get started, shall we?

Click here for further details and pictures of my tour of Taos.

With the conclusion of my tour of Taos I set my sights on my next adventure, Taos Pueblo. Continuously inhabited for over 1,000 years by the Pueblo People, it's located a stone's throw from Taos. I hop in the van and head out of Taos. Soon enough I enter the Indian Reservation.

On the way I'm dazzled with views of Pueblo Peak. The top of the mountain reaches 12,000 feet above sea level and from where I'm standing now, it's another 5,000 feet to the top. Isn't it a pretty mountain?

Here are a few more pictures.

As I snap my pictures I notice that I'm being spied on my a couple of weary, skittish horses. I don't know much about horses but they look kinda shaggy, they must be wearing their winter coats?

Back in the van I pass by a few Indian-owned businesses as I make my way to the pueblo. They include a casino, a horse rental place, a gift shop, and a restaurant. I wonder, do most Indian reservations operate gambling casinos? It seems that way to me.

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Street Musician, Denver, CO
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Street Band, French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
United States Botanic Gardens, Washington, DC
Mall of America, Minneapolis, IL
Winooski River near Montpelier, VT
Somewhere in Northeastern Arizona