T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

B I R T H D A Y   I N   T A O S

Friday, November 19, 2004

Swinging my attention 180 degrees I see a memorial to someone named Roni. The signage is pink so I assume this is for a girl/woman. Most likely killed either in an auto accident or hit by a car as they walked along the roadside. It's sad, I've seen tons of roadside memorials so far on my trip. The only good thing about them is they remind me to drive safely and to take great care when passing pedestrians. Rest in peace Roni.

I'm getting a late start as evidenced by the long shadows. Even the moon has decided to make an appearance.

This is the very first snow sighting of my trip. I'm pretty high right now, almost 9,100 feet above sea level.

Breaking out of the forest I eventually spy the small community of Eagle Nest, NM in the distance.

My time spent in Eagle Nest is lasts about 60 seconds. Blink and I would have miss it. Like so many places on my trip, I just pass on through.

Back into the forest I go where I'm immediately engulfed in shadow. The sun is getting lower by the minute, for evening is sneaking around, hiding behind the corner of the next half hour, just waiting to cast its cloak of darkness over me. Once that happens, I'll only be able to see the road immediately in front of me thanks to my headlights.

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Grand Teton Range, WY
Mandarin Ducks, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Hiking up Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, ME
Sunset Sky near Medina, NY
Pacific Beach, CA
Feisty Bird, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Grand Canyon, AZ