M O N U M E N T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

D E V I L S   T O W E R   N A T I O N A L   M O N U M E N T

Northeastern Wyoming

I start climbing up the boulder field to the tower wall until I happen upon this sign. I think it's telling me it's dangerous to proceeded for I risk being hit by a falling climber? So what does registering get you? Training in how to dodge falling bodies?

Looking up from my stalled position, the tower looms over me. It's quite impressive. There are two rock climbers up on the rockface, they are the tiny specs that you may or may not see.

At this point I have two options. Either climb down the boulder field and walk the 1.3 mile paved trail with the masses or strike out on my own and circumnavigate the tower via the boulder field. Since I love to boulder, I choose the second option.

A look down at the masses climbing up and down the boulder field.

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Billy-Bob’s Cabin
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
The General Lee, Pigeon Forge, TN
Badger Pass, Yosemite National Park, CA
United States Botanic Gardens, Washington, DC
Walk of Fame on Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA
Downtown Area, Taos, NM