P A R K Stj|tl|in|ca|st

M O U N T   R A I N I E R   N A T I O N A L   P A R K

Western Washington State

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Park: #1

Established: 1899

Acres: 235,625 (97% is designated Wilderness)

Annual Budget: $9,290,000 (FY 2004)

Visitors: 1,312,415 (FY 2003)

Highlights: Mount Rainier (14,410 feet), old growth forests, sub-alpine meadows.

Location: Mount Rainier National Park, Washington

Hours: Open all year but access is limited during the winter season.

Phone: Headquarters 360-569-2211, Visitors Center 360-569-2211 ext. 3314

Fees: 7 Day Pass - $10 (automobile), $5 (individual); Mount Rainier Annual Pass - $30

Link: Official Website

Top Pics: 6 Images

Rating:   (5 max)

As I began my hike to the photoshoot location, I notice it is here the Pacific Crest Trail passes by. That's the trail folks use to hike from the Mexican border to the Canadian border. It's a pretty impressive trail. The 2,650-mile long trail passes through California, Oregon, and Washington. It takes a many months to hike, some people have to split the hike up over 2 years or more just to complete it.

To optimize my picture taking I need to gain some elevation and an unobstructed view of Mount Rainier. I hike in a southerly direction to a secondary path that brings me to a good vantage point. However, there's a problem. The sun is hanging just above the mountain top and is too bright for my camera to work well.

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