P A R K Stj|tl|in|ca|st

Y E L L O W S T O N E   N A T I O N A L   P A R K
N O R R I S   G E Y S E R   B A S I N

Northwestern Wyoming

Here's a close-up. Mmmm, yummy! Is it dinner time yet?

Two-tone slime. Drawing upon what I've learned so far, we have acidic and alkaline conditions here, green is acidic, orange is alkaline. At least that's what the trail guide tells me.

On the backside of the Porcelain Basin it this boring dirt trail, but to spice things up, some pissed off bear scratched the dickens out of this tree. Pretty scary huh? And lot of the trees at my campsite look like this one. Geeze, good thing I sleep in a van.

This is Crackling Lake, named after the popping sounds the springs make as they feed the lake from its southern shores. Hmmm, I don't hear anything.

One down, one to go. Destination? Back Basin.

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Big Sur, CA
Winter Home, Vail, CO
Walk of Fame on Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
National Museum of the American Indian, Washington, DC
Lincolnville, ME
State House, Boston, MA