P A R K Stj|tl|in|ca|st

Y E L L O W S T O N E   N A T I O N A L   P A R K
N O R R I S   G E Y S E R   B A S I N

Northwestern Wyoming

Another geyser, can't read the marker.

This is a cool spring, but again, I can't make out the marker. Blame Yellowstone.

Echinus Geyser and its blood-like entrails. "Echinus Geyser is named for its deposits, which look like the spines of echinoderms such as sea urchins or sea stars. Once very predictable, its eruptions now vary from 1 hour to 4 days. Even so, an eruption of Echinus is worth the wait. [Wait 4 days? It'd better spit out gold coins if I gotta wait that long!] You can observe classic geyser behavior as the pool slowly fills and begins to boil. Look for the eruption to begin from the back of the pool and then watch the show. Echinus erupts with bursts that reach higher than the upper viewing platforms and send waves into Tantalus Creek. Its performance lasts 3-5 minutes. Echinus is the largest acid-water geyser known; its waters are almost acidic as vinegar (pH 3.3-3.6)."

"Months and years pass between the eruptions of Steamboat Geyser. The world's tallest active geyser, Steamboat throws water more than 300 feet high, showering viewers and drenching the walkway, For hours following its rare 3-40 minute major eruptions, Steamboat thunders with stream. As befitting such an awesome event, full eruptions are entirely unpredictable. More commonly, Steamboat ejects water in frequent bursts of 10 to 40 feet."

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Somewhere in Southwest Utah
French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Washington, DC
Geese at Lake Perennial, Boston, MA
Lake Champlain Ferry, Port Kent, NY
Penobscot Bay, Camden, ME
Meadow near Aunt Betty Pond, Acadia National Park, ME