S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

S T E R L I N G   C E N T E R   C E M E T E R Y

Sterling, New York

Hermetically sealed? What does that mean you may ask? Well, it means nothing gets in and nothing gets out. Air, water, dirt, whatever. So, if you turn the clock ahead, say about 30 years after a body is buried, what do you think you'll find if you crack open the coffin? A dried out husk of a body? Guess again. You'd find a pile of goo. Yes, that's right, the body would have jellified. Now that's enough to make me want to be cremated. It's a fiery way to go, but at least it happens pretty quickly. And plus most of me will be released into the air as water vapor. Floating around in the air sounds so much better to me than being sealed up in a coffin, only to morph into an eternal pile of smelly goo.

Geeze, sorry about that. I hope I didn't freak you out. But them's the facts folks. Plain and simple.

Some of the markers are really small. Perhaps children's graves? I can't read the weatherworn inscriptions.

These markers are very terse, only indicating a name or relation (ie, Father, Sarah, etc.).

A few of the markers are either broken or completely missing.

Here's one that was once broken but has since been fixed.

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Street Band, French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
Fountain Paint Pot, Yellowstone
MGM Grand Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV
Highland Light, North Truro, MA
The Whitehouse, Washington, DC
Buffalo near Grand Tetons, WY
State House, Boston, MA