S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

P O R T E R - P A R S O N S F I E L D
H I S T O R I C A L   B R I D G E

Porter, Maine

I jump in the van and drive over to the north end of the covered bridge. After parking, I notice what appears to be a colorful mural. Surely, someone must have graffitied the image on my van when I wasn't looking. But, instead of colorful paint, they've leveraged the photo-reflective properties of lightwaves. Clever. I think the culprits here are both Mother Nature and God. They often act together, ya know?

While not inviting to vehicles, the bridge welcomes visitors on foot. The wide and hungry throat of the bridge is lined with an interesting geometry of wood and fasteners. If there's a wooden uvula dangling from the rafters in there, it should be high enough to where I won't have to worry about banging my head on it.

Bummer, no uvula. In its absence, the woodwork architecture is interesting enough. The construction is fashioned using a Paddleford design. Back in the day, there was a fellow named Mr. Paddleford who built covered bridges in New Hampshire. So good were his designs that they spread to neighboring states.

For additional support, two sets of laminated wooden arches where thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately, some stupid and artistically challenged kids have sprayed-painted graffiti on the wooden arches. To Andy, Z-Man, and the rest of you twerps, you all SUCK!

Here's a closeup of one of the arches. As you can see, it's not terribly thick. It must be the laminations that give it its strength.

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Devils Tower, WY
Bighorn National Forest, WY
York Habor, ME
Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ
T-Rex, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
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