S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

C A P E   C O D


Soon I pass by a good measure of marshland. I must say, all of the earth-tone colors are accounted for here. This place has a calm, peaceful, and meditative feel to it.

Passing through Barnstable, MA I notice the town's court house. In front I see two life-sized statues.

The first is dedicated to Mercy Otis Warren. Sister of James Otis Jr., one of the many famous men who kick-started the American Revolution, was famous in her own right. A playwright, poet, and author of the first published history of the American Revolution, many of her ideas were incorporated during the writing of the Bill of Rights.

The other statue is dedicated to James Otis, Jr. One of America's Founding Fathers, he used his fine-tuned skills as an orator to fan the flames of the American Revolution.

Ha! Halloween must be close at hand. Across the street from the courthouse I notice something strange hanging from a tree. Closer inspection shows me it's a witch, of all things. She was riding her broom when she struck the tree.

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