C O M M U N I T I E Stj|tl|in|ca|st

S A N D P O I N T ,   I D A H O

Looking outward from the beach I notice the lake isn't big, it's HUGE! Off in the distance I see many sailboats testing their mettle against Mother Nature's breath.

Near the beach there's a marina for motorized watercraft, an RV park, many picnic areas, a concession, tennis courts, volleyball courts, a kids play center, and quite a few open green spaces. Sandpoint did a very nice job designing this public facility, probably its crown jewels so to speak.

Shooting out out over the lake on a short tentacle I spy the Statue of Liberty of all things. Standing tall, she's almost completely surrounded by Lake Pend Oreille. I wonder what significance the Statue of Liberty has with Sandpoint, Idaho? Strange. There isn't a placard to tell me the "whats" and the "whys." So I am only left to wonder... and imagine.

I theorize this Statue of Liberty is the "original" statue and was created by special commission for Sandpoint, Idaho. During its commemoration, a contingency of folks from NYC happened to be in town on unrelated business. Skipping out on the convention they were supposed to be attending and sneaking into the ceremony, they were emotionally moved by the statue. So much so, they subsequently commissioned the artist for a larger version of the statue to be erected on Liberty Island in Upper New York Bay.

The rest, ladies and gentlemen, is history!

All this speculation on the Statue of Liberty has given me a big appetite. Up until now I've always cooked within the cramped confines of the van but not today. This evening I set up kitchen on a picnic table overlooking the lake. It's nice to finally have some cooking elbowroom.

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