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W I N T E R   O L Y M P I C   S P O R T S   C O M P L E X
V E R I Z O N   S P O R T S   C O M P L E X

Lake Placid, New York

Passing underneath I discover the tail-end of the bobsled run with associated sled timer.

The bobsled ride is in full-swing, here's a time from one of the rides.

VIDEO: Here is a video (3.00 MB) of a bobsled coming down the track. Sorry, the video is turned sideways. Here's another video (3.84 MB) taken at the very end of the track.

This is what the sled looks like. It's pretty much the same as what they use in the Olympics minus the blades. Running on wheels slows down the sled however, I think they said by 5 mph. On ice the sleds run something like 65 mph. I talk with two sets of folks who ride the bobsled. One set loves the experience and another couple is not so thrilled, claiming they weren't able to see much of anything because of their helmets and low riding position within the bobsled.

After the riders get off the sled the ride operators load it on a flatbed truck then haul it back up the hill for the next run.

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Hovering Seagull, Fort Allen Park, Portland, ME
Somewhere in Central Utah
Foliage near Cape Cod Canal, Buzzards Bay, MA
Sea Otter, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA
Big Sheep, Indian Petroglyph, Moab, UT
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA