S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

W H I T E F A C E   M O U N T A I N

Wilmington, New York

At the top of the first flight of stairs I'm greeted by Lake Placid. It's a pretty cool lake, I just love its unusual shape.

On my way up the mountain I encounter periodic educational markers. The first one reaches all the way back to the last ice age to explain how mountains in the area were carved out by glacial ice.

I'm now just above Whiteface Castle. I can see they are working on an addition, it looks like some kind of observation deck.

The stairway up the mountain is bordered by steel railings. It's interesting how twisted and gnarled they are due to the uneven surface they are trying to corral.

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Old Rusty Farm Equipment, Southern Tennessee
Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC
Somewhere in Central Colorado
Tom Cruise’s Garbage Pickup
Panda, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Big Sur, CA