C O M M U N I T I E Stj|tl|in|ca|st

O A K F I E L D ,   N E W   Y O R K

The folks who bought the house from my parents still live there. I actually talked to the owner on the phone and made plans to visit. But in the end they fell through, she is sick now and can't see me. Which is too bad, I want to see what it looks like on the inside, especially my old bedroom. A few years ago my sister Teresa took a tour and reported back that it pretty much looked the same. So I'm probably not missing out on anything.

I think the house looks pretty good and appears to only need a paint job. Seeing the house brought back memories of being on the hook as a kid, having to paint one side per year, like clock-work. The painting wasn't the bad part, it was all the scraping prep work. I really hate to scrape.

As a kid I grew up in the shadow of this tall water tower. I never tried to climb it, I'm not sure why. I probably should of. Now it's a puke green color how, it used to be a more dignified silver.

My old next door neighbors house (they still live there) still looks great, they have always kept their house in tip-top condition.

Moving right along, these houses down the street look the same.

The Jubins used to live here. I think Mrs. Jubin still does. Mr. Jubin hated kids. Sometimes when we were playing in the street he'd come out of his house and yell at us to be quiet. Funny story. Apparently one day we were playing in front of our house and making too much noise for his liking. So he repeated his drill, he came over and told us to shut up. Well, Dad heard all that was going on and started yelling at Mr. Jubin to leave us kids alone, chasing him down the street and back into his house.

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Adventure Garage Design/Build Crew
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