C O M M U N I T I E Stj|tl|in|ca|st

N E W   O R L E A N S ,   L O U I S I A N A

The park was dedicated 9 years after the artists death on April 15, 1980.

"A loving city dedicates this park to the memory of Louis 'Satchmo' Armstrong, a jazz musician who bought the charm of New Orlenas to the world. Now, this unique urban garden carries on the spirit of a great American and offers a place for leisure and entertainment for the citizens of New Orleans and the world -- the people 'Satchmo' loved so well."

There's ole Satchmo. Him and his famous trumpet. Louis Armstrong was probably the most famous jazz musician of the 20th century.

The park is an interesting one. A good portion of it is a large, winding lagoon.


Ahhh, the French Quarter nightlife. The street is pretty packed now, it must be about 10pm. Since today is Friday, many folks are out and about. However, it's November, and the crowd here tonight is small compared to Mardi Gras. I visited New Orleans 8 years ago one week before Fat Tuesday. During that time of year the streets are typically cram-packed. I can't image what it's like on Fat Tuesday, it's got to be completely nuts.

Thanks to low-lighting conditions and my digital camera's limitations, blurry and streaky people abound.

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French Quarter, New Orleans, LA
World War II Memorial, Washington, DC
Mallard Duck at the World War II Memorial, Washington, DC
Montana dirt road, on the way to Yellowstone
Geese at Lake Perennial, Boston, MA
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Rose Parade, Pasadena, CA