T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

B E N   &   J E R R Y ' S   I C E   C R E A M   A D V E N T U R E

Monday, October 4, 2004

I stop for a fuel fill-up in a small, quaint town. Is there such a thing as a large, quaint town?

After gassing up I head out and enjoy the hilly countryside as I slowly make my way to Waterbury.

On my way I pass by this old barn that is undergoing restoration. I think back to when the barn was first built, so many years ago. Was it a collaborative effort where the neighboring farmers assisted in its construction? I know the Amish do this. I think it would be a wonderful experience to be in on the ground floor of such an event. I wonder if the Amish would let an outsider like me come in from off the street (or in their case, in off the dirt road) to help? The last picture is of another barn of the exact architecture, it seems to be in pretty good shape. It just needs a fresh coat of paint.

According to the sign I think they had better step things up, there are only 5 days before the big barn dance!

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