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T R A V E L   L O G

B E N   &   J E R R Y ' S   I C E   C R E A M   A D V E N T U R E

Monday, October 4, 2004

A farm is nearby. I think it's interesting how the crops are planted, it almost looks terraced. I recall seeing the same kind of alternating crop plantings in Wisconsin.

More water.

More forest.

Sometimes when driving I'll snap back-to-back pictures using my digital camera's rapid shot function. I just hold down the shutter trigger which prompts the camera to take many shots within the span of a few seconds. In this case, I'm driving by a particularly colorful forest and wish to capture its essence.

After I download such shots, I review all pictures and separate the desirable wheat from the undesireable chaff. Here's the bounty gained from my picture harvest. However, the bounty is somewhat blurry. I'm driving at 60 mph and the forest isn't terrible far away. The farther away the subject, the less blurry the snapshot. At least this gives you a sense of how colorful the forest is, albeit fuzzy.

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The Famous Hollywood Sign, Hollywood, CA
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Fireworks, Boston, MA
Oil Pump, Somewhere in West Texas
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