T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

B E N   &   J E R R Y ' S   I C E   C R E A M   A D V E N T U R E

Monday, October 4, 2004

As I drive along, the Interstate starts to run parallel to the backcountry road I'm driving on. Despite all my efforts to avoid the Interstate and its boring ways, it manages to still creep into view, oh well. I just look to my left as I drive along. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

I have finally arrived, the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory is in sight. As I pull into the parking lot Duncan jumps back up on the dashboard again in an excited state. Wow! I didn't know he loved ice cream so much. I hope I can get him in.

On the way to my parking spot I ask the flagman if they allow stuffed pets into the factory and he tells me no. Fortunately, Duncan was in the back of the van at the time and didn't heard the conversation. I'll have to break the bad news to him myself.

After parking, I step out of the van, only to be met by Duncan. He's all jazzed up and ready for some free ice cream. With sunken heart I break the bad news to him about the no-stuffed pets policy. I tell him if his stuffed-pet hair were to get into the ice cream it would cause a huge quality control problem for the factory. He takes the bad new pretty well, he seems to understand. That's the good thing about stuffed pets, not only do they not require food, water or walking, they are also infinitely understanding.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!! Now there's a little ditty all the kids know. I'm excited, soon I will be a kid again, on the ground floor of an ice cream factory! How cool is that?! I hope I don't actually start screaming when I step inside the building. While funny, over all it would be a bad thing.

Click here for more detail (and pictures) of my tour of the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory.

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