T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

B E N   &   J E R R Y ' S   I C E   C R E A M   A D V E N T U R E

Monday, October 4, 2004

And then every once in a while you hit pay-dirt. In this instance it's a scene that immediately catches my eye as I speed past in the van. The scene is situated beside a busy road so I have to park further down the way then backtrack on foot. But it's certainly worth the trek. The added bonus that wasn't visible from the road is the wonderful water reflection. Sometimes you get lucky.

As you can see, the trees are leaning towards the water, effectively extending their reflection further out over the river. The river rocks provide an interesting dull contrast to the vibrant, colorful foliage. But then again, what do I know about photography, I see a scene I like, I take the picture. It's as simple as that. As for my favorites, they are all on the bottom row, the first and the third from the left. Which picture is your favorite?

At this point the drive turns into the repeating pattern you see in the Flintstone Cartoons when Fred is driving his car cross-country. The stone age background scenery just repeats over and over again. It's as if the cartoon's director thinks kids are too stupid to notice. Well in my case, the repeating pattern is Vermont countryside interspersed with small Vermont towns. And as mentioned earlier, that means speeding up and slowing down the van over and over again. Yes, it's hard to believe but true. Long distance driving, however scenic, can get somewhat visually repetitious. It's like eating too much ice cream. Just how many alternating spoonfuls of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia and Cookie Dough Ice Cream can one eat before one grows tired of it?

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Malayan Tapir, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Fish in a Fish, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
Sea Otter, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, CA
Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, UT
US Supreme Court, Washington, DC
US Capital, Washington, DC
Big Sur, CA