T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

A C A D I A   N A T I O N A L   P A R K   -   D A Y   # 4

Friday, October 8, 2004

After the sunrise spectacle I jump in the van and drive down Cadillac Mountain. In the distance I see Eagle Lake waking to the early morning daylight.

One last glimpse of Bar Harbor, ME.

Once down the mountain, I decide to check out a few more sights before leaving Acadia National Park. My first sight of interest is Echo Lake. Located on Mount Desert Island's western lobe, the lake is serving up a heaping dish of calm today all along its 1.5 mile length. It's a pretty lake, I wish I had a boat and some fishing gear right now.

I soon pass through the village of Southwest Harbor which is located within Acadia National Park. How cool is that? To have your own backyard in Acadia!

Some miscellaneous pictures of Southwest Harbor.

After a little more driving I run across Bass Harbor Lighthouse. Supposedly this seaside sentinel is one of the most photographed sights in Maine.

Click here for more details (and pictures) of my educational tour of this historic treasure.

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Wright Brother’s Flyer, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
Tall Sailing Ship, Bar Harbor, ME
Geese at Lake Perennial, Boston, MA
Santa’s Train, Henrieville, UT
Bubble Pond, Acadia National Park, ME
The Lucky Bucket, Phoenix Gold Mine, Idaho Springs, CO
High Desert outside of Cody, WY