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A C A D I A   N A T I O N A L   P A R K   -   D A Y   # 4

Friday, October 8, 2004

I look back the other way and get a start. Waaaaait a minute! I now see what all the heavy equipment is for. It looks like they're building two massive pillars. Could it be they are building a replacement bridge?

I see three signs, maybe it'll help explain things.

I learn the old bridge is called the Waldo-Handcock Bridge. Constructed in 1931, when the bridge was first opened it's 2,040 foot span eclipsed the length of any other bridge in the United States by 2.5 times. It was quite the architectural marvel of its time.

The new bridge will embrace a cable-stay design, the first bridge of this type to be built in Maine. The overall look of the bridge will be traditional, mimicing the obelisk essence of Washington Monument.

Good lord, yet more information, my head is starting to hurt now. Let me just sum it all up this way: the old bridge is done for, a cool-looking new bridge is to be built, and the taxpayers are paying boatloads of money for it. Had they only hired me to write-up this informational display, they could have saved a pile of money on their signage.

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