T R A V E L   L O G tj|ca|st
T R A V E L   L O G

A C A D I A   N A T I O N A L   P A R K   -   D A Y   # 4

Friday, October 8, 2004

After my tour I drive out of Acadia National Park in search of sustenance. Something breakfast-like, something that's bad for me, something to hit the spot.

I soon hit paydirt in Ellsworth, ME. I tell ya, you just can't go wrong with Denny's! Damn! This restaurant received the coveted Four Diamond Restaurant Award for 1st Quarter 2003... Lordy, I haven't hit gold, I've hit diamonds by George!

I settle into a booth, scan the menu, then order the most unhealthy thing on the menu. After much salivation during my wait, my grub finally arrives, and I proceed to punch my one-way train ticket to heart-attack station. Fortunately, I'm a skinny dude with a total cholestrol rating of something ridiculously low like 150. HDL, LDL, whatever...

Having successfully consumed all of my breakfast feast, I hit the road once again and quickly leave Ellsworth, ME in my wake.

After some driving I notice the leaves here are a bit more colorful that those back in Acadia National Park. These inland trees are turning sooner. I think it's because the ocean keeps the trees near the coastline just a tad warmer at night. And as everyone knows, it's the cool weather that causes a tree's sap to retreat from the leaves, leaving behind various pigments that are the perpetrators of all the color that surrounds me now.

Believe it or not, the State of Maine maintains a website that actually tracks the color status of the state's deciduous foliage. Ha, imagine if Maine hosted a similar website that tracked the color status of the state's coniferous foliage? I can see it now... "Hey honey, the website says the trees are still green, I wonder what time of year they change color?".

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