S I G H T Stj|tl|in|ca|st

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Houston, Texas

The second phase, Project Gemini, propelled the United States further towards their ultimate goal of landing on the Moon. During this phase, new rendezvous and docking techniques were developed, testing, and perfected. Spacewalks were another signature activity of the project.

Some of the manned space flights.

The third phase, Project Apollo, was the big daddy of the three planned phases. It was during this phase the United States successfully landed on the Moon with the Apollo 11 Mission. Wooo Hooo!

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Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, CA
Docile Deer, Yosemite National Park, CA
Fountain Paint Pot, Yellowstone
Union Pacific Rail Line, Central Utah
Spanish Ibex, San Diego Zoo, San Diego, CA
Echo Lake, Acadia National Park, ME
Central Oregon Coast